Dear Frida
It is no secret that aside from my baby girl, Frida, my other baby is Little White Pouch. They technically grew up together. For 3 years, I had to divide my time breastfeeding a hangry infant while feeding creativity to a growing business. I do sometimes feel like I'm neglecting one or the other. This #DearFridaCollection was both easy and challenging for me. How do I create something that will show my undefinable love for my baby through the very thing that takes my attention from her? I hope, in time, Frida sees that Little White Pouch exists with her and for her.
Dear Frida Collection is starting off with this iridescent moonstone ring:

Dear Frida,
You are a reflection of God's love for us. Just as the moon transmits light from the sun, your very existence is God's Love. In many ways, you are the light in our lives. Your bright eyes and lively laugh awaken a special kind of joy not only in us but in everyone around you, just as the sun's rays awaken a sleeping dim moon. It may wane and wither at times but the light is there for a reason. Whether it serves as a compass or the sign of day, let it guide you and shine from within you!

I still remember the first time I saw you stumble. My momshie heart told me to run to you and help you, but you surprised me and stood up on your own. You are stronger than you look. My little Emerald. Seemingly fragile but oozing with toughness!
I love watching you learn from your mistakes. Finding the strength to try again and realizing that there will always be a second chance for the brave. I wish for you to always have the tenacity to be courageous and hopeful in trying times. At the tender age of 3, I am both proud and scared to see how strong and independent you are growing up to be.
As a precious stone prone to chipping and cracking, its gold bezel setting acts as its protective armor. But just like its upright setting, you exude your own fearless disposition. Trials and hardships might hit you but your armor of strength and courage will keep you strong and standing.

Frida definitely gravitates towards intensity. She chose this half carat Zambian Emerald ring set in 14 karat yellow gold as her personal favorite in the collection and I'm almost tempted to keep this one for her to wear when she grows up. 💚

Despite my overprotective mommy instincts, I still pray that you will always have a taste for adventure. You will encounter pain and downfalls along the way but I know your curious spirit will go on. Whether it be the steep flight of stairs at home or a mountain range, I know my little diamond Frida will carry on.
I may not always be there to hold your hand but your stubborn fearlessness is enough for a life of exploration!
Take risks. Go on adventures, big and small. When life doesn't go as planned, take it as a form of adventure and enjoy the ride.

Adventures make us strong and keep us alive. For now, my little Frida, you have our modest grassy garden for your adventures but in the future, you have the entire world as your playground. Do remember to also respect and take care of nature as you explore her beauty and wonder.

They say it takes a village to raise a child and I only realized this when you were born, my dear Frida. Months of preparation was not enough once you entered into our world. I, and the rest of the household were not prepared for the incessant crying and irregular sleeping schedule. But all the stress and sleepless nights were worth it whenever the house would echo with your spritely laugh.
Just like this opal stone with a halo of 0.03 carat Diamonds on 14 karat Rose gold, you are surrounded by strong stones protecting and loving you. Appreciate them and love them back.

"Hi! It's me, Guy Diamond!" is your favorite introduction nowadays and it never fails to make me laugh while other people look at you in confusion. Whether you're Guy Diamond or Queen Poppy from Trolls, you are our baby. Mama and Papa will always love and support you.
Whether you like it or not, we will cling to you until you let us. It may not always seem like it, but our intentions for you is for your own good. Mama and Papa will always be by your side just like the diamonds on this 0.67 carat Galaxy Yellow Diamond on 14 karat yellow gold.

If I could collect all the tears I cried, from irrational pregnancy mood swings to the paranoid thoughts if I am doing motherhood correctly, nothing will compare to the tears of joy your Papa and I had when the doctor pulled you out of me. The waterworks continued when you first successfully latched to when you finally weaned from breastfeeding. I felt so happy and hurt when our exclusive bond was broken when you stopped breastfeeding but I knew it would benefit both of us. For every tear your Papa and I shed, we learned more about ourselves, individually and as a couple.
I want to tell you all about the tears I've cried, from the moment we discovered your existence to my very own separation anxiety. This fancy cut, flat stone Sapphire ring with a halo of Diamonds is my own creative interpretation of all our emotions.
Tears always tell stories. Don't regard tears of happiness as better than tears of sadness. Learn from both.

I sometimes think naming you after such a passionate person was not such a good idea. Like your namesake, Frida Kahlo, you have started dancing to the beat of your own drum that you've become too headstrong. Despite your strong personality, you do still have your redeeming moments. Your morning wake up cuddles make me forget how your tantrums stressed me out. 🌵
I'm not going to lie that your Papa and I wished you grew up to be independent and steadfast but I hope you will not forget to always be kind. I hope you take after Frida Kahlo's immense capacity to love. Learn to love everyone who loves you. Learn to forgive and support those in need. Share your hugs freely. You never know what a simple hug can do to others. 🤗

Your world may be small now but I hope you realize that there is something bigger beyond our street. The world does not revolve around you. It revolves around the sun and a whole society which you are a part of. So stay grounded.
You are not the center of the universe but be the sun in the lives of others. The world does not owe you anything, so work hard and be grateful for what you have.
We end this #DearFridaCollection with this Sun-like ring consisting of the stackers in the collection. My hopes and goals for Frida are embodied in the pieces and my wish is for her to grow up manifesting all of it. 💕